When travel to Slovenia
Below you will find essential information about the weather in Slovenia.
Slovenia has a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters with snow in the Alps. Slovenia has a Mediterranean climate on the coast of Slovenia.
Slovenia has a Mediterranean climate along the coast, and a mild continental climate with hot summers and cold winters in the plateaus and valleys to the east.
Clothing Required to go on a trip to Slovenia:
More information about climate and weather in Slovenia
Slovenia has a Mediterranean climate along the coast, and a continental climate that is mild to hot in summers and cold in winters in the plateaus and valleys to the east. In general, Slovenia is a temperate country with four distinct seasons and well defined, but the topography creates three individual climate Slovenia. The Northwest has an alpine climate with strong influences and abundant rainfall from the Atlantic Ocean. Temperatures in the Alpine valleys are moderate in summer but very cold in the winter. Coast and much of Primorska by the Soca Valley has a Mediterranean climate with warm weather and sunny most of the year, mostly mild winters (although cold and dry wind from the northeast, can be ferocious once time). Most of this part of Slovenia has a continental climate, warm (and occasionally very hot in summer) and cold winters.
Slovenia gets most of its rain in late spring (May and June) and fall (October and November), the precipitation varies, but in Slovenia there are on average more than 900mm in the east, 1300mm to 1600mm in the center ( Ljubljana), 1100mm to 1300mm on the coast and up to 3500mm in the Alps of Slovenia. In Slovenia, January is the coldest month, with an average annual temperature of -2 ° c, and July is the warmest (19 ° C to 23 ° C). The average temperature is around 10 ° C in Ljubljana, 7 ° C in the mountains and 13.5 ° C on the coast. The number of hours of sunlight per year in Slovenia extends from 1500 to 2300, in Ljubljana at the end of everything in the scale and Portoro at the top.
Keywords: When to go to Slovenia. When to visit Slovenia. When traveling to Slovenia. The climate in Slovenia. The weather forecast in Slovenia. What should I wear to travel Slovenia. Best months to visit Slovenia. Summers and winters in Slovenia. Beaches of Slovenia. Mountains of Slovenia. Ski Resorts in Slovenia. Snow in Slovenia.Sea, sun and fun beach in Slovenia.