Know more Slovenian words and phrases
We will provide a brief summary of key Slovenian phrases and words, so that you can travel to Slovenia and can talk in the tourist cities of Slovenia
These phrases and words of Slovenia were wisely selected by Slovenia’s arts graduates who have completed their studies and courses of Slovenian for foreigners.
Then also we had a pretty love words and Slovenian phrases to further enrich the Slovenian language and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Slovenia when you travel to Slovenia.
Also you will be ready and prepared to chat though Messenger with a girl from Slovenia, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girls romantic Slovenian phrases and love words in Slovenia.
With no doubt you will surprise the girls from Slovenia using these Slovenian phrases and words of love.
Useful Slovenian phrases traveling to Slovenia
English phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slovenian Phrases
- Hi Pozdravljeni / Zdravo / Živio
- Good bye Na svidenje / Zbogom
- Please Prosim
- Thanks Hvala
- Yes Da
- No No
- Excuse me Oprostite (mi)
- Nice to meet you Veseli me, da vas poznam
- Do you speak English? Ali govorite angleško?
- You have… Ali imate …
- I would like… Rad bi … / Želim …
- How much is it? Koliko stane to?
- Do you have a table ? Imate (prosto) mizo?
- What would you like to order? Kaj želite?
- A tea Čaj
- A coffee Kava
- A beer Pivo
- A red a White wine Rdeče / Belo vino
- The bill please? Račun, prosim!
- Where is the hotel Kje je … hotel?
- On the left (na) Levo
- On the right (na) Desno
- Go straight ahead Naravnost (naprej)
- It is near far Je blizu / daleč?
- A ticket to … please Karto do … prosim
Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.
As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners.
Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship.
Romantic Love Words and Slovenian Love Phrases
- You are beautiful Ti si lepa
- I love you my life Jaz si moje življenje ljubim
- Do you want to make love with me? Želite, da bi radi, da me?
- You are the most beautiful Slovenian girl Ti si najlepše dekle v Sloveniji
- I can give you the moon if you ask it to me Moon vas me bo ljubezen spustiti
- I love you not your family Ljubim vas, ampak vašo družino!
- Can I have your MSN to chat for a while? Daj mi ljubezen msn za klepet?
- Do you want to drink a beer with me? Želite pivo z mano?
More phrases of love in slovenian
I love you. – Ljubim te.
You are my everything. – Ti si moje vse.
My heart belongs to you. – Moje srce pripada tebi.
You make my life complete. – Ti izpolnjuješ moje življenje.
I can’t imagine my life without you. – Ne morem si predstavljati svojega življenja brez tebe.
You are my soulmate. – Ti si moja sorodna duša.
You are the love of my life. – Ti si ljubezen mojega življenja.
Every moment with you is precious. – Vsak trenutek s tabo je dragocen.
I am grateful for your love. – Hvaležen sem za tvojo ljubezen.
You have my heart forever. – Imaš moje srce za vedno.
Tags for words and Slovenian Phrases. Useful words and phrases to travel to Slovenia. Love Slovenian Phrases, words to meet girls by chat, messenger or in person. Here you can found some albanian love phrases for your next trip. Phrases and words of love in Slovenian to know guys through chat.