Information Slovenia

The Republic of Slovenia is located in the heart of Europe where the Alps meet the Pannonian plains and the Mediterranean Sea meets the Slovenian Karst which are so mysterious.
In the northern borders Slovenia to Austria, Hungary to the east, Croatia to the south and Italy to the west.
Useful Information of the Republic of Slovenia
- Slovenia complete Name: The Republic of Slovenia (Republika Slovenija)
- State System of Slovenia: Parliamentary democratic republic since 1991, member of European Union since May 1, 2004
- Capital of Slovenia: Ljubljana
- Official language of Slovenia: Slovenian, in a nationally mixed areas also Italian and Hungarian spoken in Slovenia.
- Flag of Slovenia: Three horizontal stripes in white, blue and red with the Slovenian coat of arms on his upper left side.
- Coat of arms of Slovenia: Three-pointed yellow stars with the symbols of the Counts of Celje with Triglav as a sign of underlying Slovenehood and two wavy lines symbolizing Slovenian rivers and the sea of Slovenia.
- Anthem of Slovenia: The seventh stanza of France Preseren Zdravljica poem, melody by Stanko Premrl.
- Slovenia Currency: Euro
- Pre international fixed telephone to call Slovenia: 386
Geography of Slovenia:
- Slovenia Area: 20.273 km ²
- Slovenia Time Zone: GMT / UTC 1
- Slovenia borders Length: 1.370 km, with Austria: 318 km, with Croatia: 670 km, with Hungary: 102 km, with Italy: 280 miles
- Length of coastline of Slovenia: 46.6 miles
- Landscape Slovenia: Slovenia’s territory is divided into four basic types of landscapes, Alpine in the north, Mediterranean in the southwest, Dinar in the south and Pannonian in the east.
- Weather in Slovenia: continental in central Slovenia, alpine and sub-Mediterranean in the northwest along the coast and the interior of Slovenia.
- Slovenia’s average temperature: January-2 ° c, July 21 ° C
- The highest mountain in Slovenia: Triglav, 2.864 m
- The longest river in Slovenia: Sava, 221 km
- The largest lake in Slovenia: Cerknica Lake 26 km
- The highest waterfall in Slovenia: CEDC, 130 m
- The longest show cave and karst deeper Slovenia: Postojnska jama, 19.5 miles
Population of Slovenia:
- Slovenia’s total population: 2,032,362
- Slovenian Population density: 99.1 inh. per km ²
- Nationalities of Slovenia: Slovenian 1,631,363; Hungarian 6.243, 2.258 Italian, others 324.172
- Religion in Slovenia: Roman Catholic 57.8%, Muslim 2.4%, Orthodox 2.3%, other Christian 0.9%, 3.5% no religion, other or unspecified 23%, none 10.1%.
- Main cities: Ljubljana (261.700), Maribor (108.600), Celje (38.400), Kranj (39.400)
Embassy of Slovenia in the World:
Slovenian Embassy in Buenos Aires:
- Office: Embassy
- Street: Avenida Santa Fe 846, 6 floor
- City: Buenos Aires
- Province / State: Buenos Aires
- Country: Argentina
- Phone / s: (54-11) 48940621, 48940631, 43128418
- Fax: (54-11) 43128410
Embassy of Slovenia in Spain Madrid:
- Office: Embassy
- Street: Hermanos Becquer, 7-2
- City: Madrid
- Province / State: Madrid
- Country: Spain
- Phone / s: (34-91) 4116893
- Fax: (34-91) 5646057
Slovenian Embassy in London UK
- Office: Embassy
- Street: 10 Little College Street
- City: London
- Province / State: London
- Country: United Kingdom
- Phone / s: (44-20) 72225400
- Fax: (44-20) 72225277
USA Embassy of Slovenia in Washington:
- Office: Embassy
- Street: 1525 New Hampshire Avenue
- City: Washington
- Province / State: District of Columbia
- Country: United States
- Phone / s: (1-202) 6675363
- Fax: (1-202) 6674563
Slovenian Embassy in Australia Canberra:
- Office: Embassy
- Street: Level 6, St George’s Building 60 Marcus Clarke Street
- City: Canberra
- Province / State: Canberra
- Country: Australia
- Phone / s: (61-2) 6243 4830
- Fax: (61-2) 6243 4827
Keywords of Slovenia: Embassy of Slovenia. Consulate of Slovenia.Size of Slovenia. Population of Slovenia. Geography of Slovenia.Political System of Slovenia. National Holidays in Slovenia. Slovenia Visa Pre fixed phone in a city of Slovenia. Phrases. Words. Usefull information for trips.