We provide very useful Romanian phrases and common Romanian words to help you when you travel so will be able to speak a little in the tourist cities or Hotels
These Romanian phrases and words of Romania were wisely selected by Romanian’s arts graduates who have completed their studies and courses of Romanian for foreigners like you to travel to Romania without problems, then you will be able to speak a little Romanian.
The first words and Romanian phrases will help to communicate and at the end of the page we will also teach you some love words and phrases.
To speak the language fluently is a beautiful activity, at least make an attempt to say a few words to get accustomed to this language.
You will see that step by step and with a little effort you will say some Romanian phrases.
Try to also to take a course in Romanian for foreigners while visiting this amazing and friendly country.
Then also we give pretty love words and Romanian phrases to further enrich your Romanian vocabulary and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Romania when you travel there.
Also you will be ready and prepared to chat though Messenger or Skype with a girl from Romania, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girls romantic Romanian phrases and love words. And catch her atenttion.
With no doubt you will surprise the girls from Romania using these Romanian phrases and words of love.
Just to speak personally in Romanian with a girl from Romania will impress her with your general culture and conversation skills in her own language.
Remember that the love of your life might be in Romania. Who knows?
Useful words and phrases in Romanian
English – Limba româna (Romanian)
Welcome – Bun venit / Bine ai venit
Hi – Salut / Buna ziua / Alo (on phone)
Ce mai faci? (inf) Ce mai faceti? (frm)
Bine, multumesc
Your name? – Cum va numiti?
My name is – Ma numesc
Where are you from? – I am from
De unde sunteti? – Eu sunt din
Nice to meet you – Încântat de cunostinta
Good morning – Buna dimineata
Good afternoon – Buna ziua
Good evening – Buna seara
Good night – Noapte buna
Bye bye – La revedere
Good luck – Noroc!
Chhers – Noroc!
Have a nice day – Îti doresc / Va doresc o zi placuta!
Bon apetite – Pofta buna!
Have a nice trip – Calatorie placuta! Drum bun!
I don’t understand – Nu înteleg
May you talk slower? – Puteti sa vorbiti mai rar?
Please repeat – Poti sa repeti, te rog? / Puteti sa repetati, va rog? (frm)
Please write it down – Puteti sa-l scrieti, va rog?
Do you speak Romanian Yes, a little bit – Vorbiti româneste? Da, putin / Da, un pic
How do you say in Romanian – Cum se spune în limba româna?
Excuse me – Scuzati-ma!
How much is it? – Cât costa?
I am sorry – Pardon!
Thanks / Answer – Mersi / Multumesc / Multumesc foarte mult Cu placere
Love words and romantic Romanian phrases
Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.
As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners.
Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship.
Love words and Romanian phrases
* I love you baby – Te iubesc mult frumosa mea
* You are the girl of my dreams – Tu ești fata viselor mele
* Can I know your Skype to chat? – Dami Skype id-ul pentru chat?
* Do you want to chat through webcam love of mine? – Webcam chat vrei iubirea mea?
* Do you want marry me? – Casatoresti cu mine?
* You will always be the love of my life – Întotdeauna sa fie dragostea vietii mele
* You are the most beautiful girl – Tu ești cea mai frumoasă fată
* I love to tell you love words in Romanian my love – Îmi place sa spun cuvinte de dragoste în mine româna draguta mea
* Hello girl, can you teach me love words in Romanian? – Buna fata, arata-mi dragostea fraze în limba româna?
Tags for Romanian Phrases : Practical and useful Romanian phrases for travelling. Words of love and Romanian Phrases to meet girls by chat, messenger or in person. Romanian Phrases and words of love for meeting guys for chat or phone. Learn some romantic romanian phrases before to meet a girl. Brief report with phrases and words. Useful information.
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