Learn Montenegrin phrases, love phrases to Travel to Montenegro:
We provide useful Montenegrin phrases and common words to help you when you travel so will be able to speak a little in the tourist cities or Hotels.
These Montenegrin phrases and words of Montenegro were wisely selected by Montenegrin ‘s arts graduates who have completed their studies and courses of Montenegrin for foreigners like you to travel to Montenegro without problems, then you will be able to speak a little Montenegrin.
The first words and Montenegrin phrases will help to communicate and at the end of the page we will also teach you some love words and Montenegrin phrases.
To speak the language fluently is a beautiful activity, at least make an attempt to say a few words to get accustomed to this language.
You will see that little by little and with a little effort you will say some Montenegrin phrases.
Try to also to take a course in Montenegrin for foreigners while visiting Montenegro.
Then also we give pretty love words and Montenegrin phrases to further enrich your vocabulary and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Montenegro when you go there.
Also you will be ready and prepared to chat though Msn with a girl from Montenegro, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girls romantic Montenegrin phrases and love words.
With no doubt you will surprise the girls from Montenegro using these Montenegrin phrases and words of love.
Just to speak personally in Montenegrin with a girl from Montenegro will impress her with your general culture and conversation skills in her own language.
May be that the love of your life may be waiting for you just around the corner in a museum or a tourist city of Montenegro. Who knows?
Useful words and phrases in Montenegro
Phrases in English | Phrases in Montenegrin |
A green tree | zelena stabla |
A tall building | visokih zgrada |
An old man | vrlo star čovjek |
The old red house | stara crvena kuća |
A good friend | jako lijepo prijatelju |
Sometimes I read books | Pročitao sam knjigu ponekad |
I will never smoke | Nikada neću pušiti |
Are you alone? | are you alone? |
My car | moj auto |
Green Car | zeleni automobil |
Three cars | tri automobila |
Garage | auto garaža |
The car outside | izvan automobila |
My book | moja knjiga |
My books | mojih knjiga |
Our daughter | naša kćer |
Our children | naše kćeri |
I am cold | Ja sam hladna |
We are cold | mi smo hladni |
Your chikens | mu kokoši |
He is happy | on je sretan |
She is happy | ona je sretna |
He is American | on je američki |
She is American | ona je američki |
Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.
As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners.
Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship.
Love words in Montenegrin
Love – Ljubav
I love you – Volim te
My love – Moja ljubavi
Darling – Dragi/draga
Sweetheart – Mila/mili
Beautiful – Lijepa/lijepe
You are my everything – Ti si moje sve
I adore you – Obožavam te
I miss you – Nedostaješ mi
Kiss – Poljubac
Hug – Zagrljaj
You make me happy – Ti me činiš srećnim/srećnom
Forever – Zauvijek
Soul mate – Srodna duša
You are perfect – Ti si savršena/savršen
I can’t live without you – Ne mogu živjeti bez tebe
You are the love of my life – Ti si ljubav mog života
Will you marry me? – Hoćeš li se udati za mene?
I cherish every moment with you – Cijenim svaki trenutak s tobom
You are the most beautiful girl in the world – Ti si najljepša djevojka na svijetu
I am lucky to have you – Sretan/sretna sam što te imam
More montenegrin love phrases and words
I love you. Volim te.
You are my everything. Ti si moje sve.
You make me happy. Ciniš me srecnim/srecnom.
I miss you. Nedostaješ mi.
You are my soulmate. Ti si moja srodna duša.
I can’t imagine my life without you. Ne mogu zamisliti svoj život bez tebe.
You are the love of my life. Ti si ljubav mog života.
You complete me. Upotpunjuješ me.
You are my one and only. Ti si moj/a jedini/jedina.
I cherish every moment with you. Cijenim svaki trenutak s tobom.
You are my better half Ti si moja bolja polovina.
My heart belongs to you. Moje srce pripada tebi.
You light up my life. Osvjetljavaš moj život.
I fall in love with you more every day. Svaki dan se sve više zaljubljujem u tebe.
You are my forever love. Ti si moja vjecna ljubav.
Remember to use these words with sincerity and respect, as they convey your feelings towards the Montenegrin girl.
Tags for phrases and words in Montenegrin: Practical and useful phrases for travelling to Montenegro. phrases and words of love to meet Montenegrin girls to chat via online or to talk in person. Learn love phrases in romanian for your next travel. Phrases and love words to meet Montenegrin guys or girls for your chat in Montenegro.