When to travel to Moldova
We pass below useful information about the climate in Moldova:
About Moldova climate we can start by saying that the Republic of Moldova is located in an area with a temperate continental climate. Moldova is located about halfway between the line of Ecuador and the North Pole. The four seasons are clearly defined in Moldova, the winter is nice, and the summer of Moldova has many sunny days and very long since obscured in Moldova late in summer. In Moldova the general movement of atmospheric air mass is mostly Atlantic from the northwest or southwest. Moldova’s average temperature is from north to south between +7.5 0C to +10 C. The soil temperature of Moldova lies between +10 0C and +12 0C. There are 2060-2360 hours of sunlight per year in Moldova, the temperatures above freezing are registered 160-200 days per year and Moldova precipitation ranges between 370 and 560 mm / year and snowfall of over 10% , which can melt several times during the winter.
More information about the weather and climate in Moldova:
Winter in Moldova is moderate, with an average temperatura in January of-5 to -3 C º. Some days it may be lowered to-15 to-20 C º, and during an intrusion of Arctic air masses can still get the temperature down to -35 C º Moldova. Spring in Moldova is not stable, given the large number of sunny days and average air temperature as growing. In May the temperature is around +15 C º, reducing the risk of late frost.
Moldova summer is very hot and long, with extended periods of drought, which affects the areas of Moldova. The average temperature in July is +19.5 to +22 Moldova º C, but sometimes can reach +35 to +40 C º. The summer rains are in most cases very intense and of short duration, sometimes causing local flooding in the cities of Moldova.
Autumn in Moldova is warm and long too. In November the average temperature decreases Moldova +3 +5 º C and can bring the first snow and ice to Moldova.
Summary of climate in Moldova:
Finally we can say about the climate in Moldova that the Moldova’s climate is very mild and pleasant. Temperate with hot summers 20 to 23 ° C (68 to 73 ° F), autumn crisp, sunny and cold, sometimes snowy winters.
Clothing Required to bring to Moldova:
Keywords: When to go to Moldova. When visiting Moldova. When traveling to Moldova. The climate in Moldova. The weather forecast in Moldova. What should I wear in Moldova. Best months to visit Moldova. Summers and winters in Moldova. Moldova beaches. Mountains of Moldova. Ski Resorts in Moldova. Snow in Moldova.Sea, sun and fun beach in Moldova.