We will provide a brief summary of key Kosovan phrases and words, so that you can travel to Kosovo and can talk in the tourist city of Kosovo or Hotels
Note that in Kosovo the language spoken is the Serbian and Albanian so in this category of our website www.balkanscountries.info we will give you some words and phrases in Serbian and Albanian phrases in another category.
These phrases and words of Kosovo were wisely selected by Kosovan’s arts graduates who have completed their studies and courses of Serbian for foreigners.
Then also we give pretty love words and Kosovan phrases to further enrich your Serbian vocabulary and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Kosovo when you travel there.
Also you will be ready and prepared to chat though Messenger with a girl from Kosovo, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girls romantic Serbian phrases and love words.
With no doubt you will surprise the girls from Kosovo using these Kosovan phrases and words of love.
Useful words and phrases for travel to Serbia for Kosovo where Serbian is spoken:
Phrases in English | Phrases in Serbian |
English Greetings | Serbian Greetings |
Hi | Zdravo! |
Good morning | Dobro jutro! |
Good afternoon | Dobro veče! |
Welcome | Dobrodošli (pl); Dobrodošla (f); Dobrodošao (m) |
How are you? | Kako ste? (polite); Kako si? |
I am fine thanks | Dobro. Hvala. |
And you? | A vi? (polite); A ti? |
Fine so so | Dobro/Kako – tako. |
Thanks much | Hvala (puno)! |
You’re welcome | Nema na čemu! |
Hello friend | Hej! Prijatelju! |
I missed you | Nedostajao (m)/ Nedostajala (f) si mi puno! |
Any news? | Šta ima novo? |
No much | Ništa |
See you tomorrow | Laku noć! |
I will see you | Vidimo se kasnije! |
Bye | Doviđenja! |
Asking for help and directions in Serbian | |
I am lost | Izgubio (m) / Izgubila (f) sam se |
May I help you? | Mogu li da vam (polite) / ti pomognem? |
Can you help me? | Možete li da mi pomognete? |
What is the bathroom? | Gde je (kupatilo / apoteka)? |
Go straigh ahead make a right make a left | Idite pravo! Onda skrenite levo/desno. |
I am looking for John | Tražim Džona. |
Just a second please | Sačekajte momenat. |
Hold on please | Sačekajte molim vas! (telefon) |
How much is it? | Koliko košta ovo_ |
Excuse me | Izvinite.. |
I am sorry | Izvinite / Pardon |
Come with me | Pođite sa mnom |
Kosovar Love phrases and words in Serbian
English Phrase | Kosovar (Albanian) Translation |
I love you | Të dua |
You are my everything | Ti je gjithçka për mua |
My heart belongs to you | Zemra ime të përket ty |
Forever and always | Përgjithmonë dhe gjithmonë |
You mean the world to me | Ti je gjithçka për mua |
I can’t live without you | Nuk mund të jetoj pa ty |
You are my soulmate | Ti je shpirti im binjak |
I am yours, and you are mine | Unë jam i yti, dhe ti je e imja |
You are the love of my life | Ti je dashuria e jetës sime |
My love for you is endless | Dashuria ime për ty është e pafund |
You are my sunshine | Ti je dielli im |
I am so lucky to have you | Jam kaq me fat që të kam ty |
You make my heart skip a beat | Ti bën zemrën time të rrahë shpejt |
I want to grow old with you | Dua të plakem me ty |
You complete me | Ti më plotëson |
Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.
As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners.
Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship. Learn some love phrases in macedonian for your next travel.
Tags for Kosovan phrases and words in Serbian: Practical and useful phrases for travelling to Kosovo. Love Kosovan phrases in Serbian to meet girls from Kosovo via chat, messenger or in person. Serbian love Kosovan phrases to know guys for your chat or in Kosovo. Learn Serbian. Serbian courses to travel to Kosovo.