When to travel to Croatia and Weather in Croatia:
Subsequently we pass key counsels to know when to visit Croatia:
The majority of the people visit Croatia between April and September. Although the coast is too fresh to swim in April in Croatia, you will enjoy a little the heat also, the sky will be cleared in Croatia in that date and the prices of lodging will be cheap in that season in Croatia. Zagreb probably is comfortable as well to visit it in that season or during the cultural station of Croatia that is also very interesting. Depending of your tendencies you can attend in Zagreb the Biennial of Contemporary Music or to the Zagreb FM Festival. May and June are magnificent months for all the exterior activities in Croatia (except the skiing). In these months in Croatia, the Italian tourists and Germans not yet have arrived, and therefore the prices of lodging are still reasonable and you will enjoy sunny and long days in Croatia. But you must be careful with the battalions of students of the secondary schools of Croatia that carry out their final student trips, but by the end of May and earlyJune; the hotels, the transportation and in the outskirts of the cultural places of Croatia suddenly can be filled by youths of Croatia very boisterous.
More information of when to visit, to know and to travel to Croatia:
July and August are the most expensive months to visit Croatia due to the beginning of the high season of tourism in Croatia. The prices of lodging, hotels, bed and breakfast, hostels and campings in Croatia are
the highest in the summer and the popular places of Croatia can be uncomfortably packed with tourists. The high season trips advantages is that the lines of supplementary ship it carrying very fast to the islands and there are excursions organized to visit other separated places of Croatia.
September is perhaps the best month to visit Croatia since is not as warm as in the summer (although the sea of Croatia even have their warm water), the crowds in Croatia diminish given that the parents should carry of return to the children to their schools. Therefore the rates of lodging, hotels, hostels and bed and breakfast of Croatia are again cheap. In September in Croatia is also the season of fruit such as figs and grapes that will be abundant in Croatia. In October can be too fresh for the camping, but the time still should be smooth along the coast of Croatia, and the rooms of Hotels in Croatia will be abundant and cheap.