Bosnian phrases and Love Words to Travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina:

We will provide a brief summary of Bosnian phrases and words, so you can travel and talk in your trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
These Bosnian phrases and words of Bosnia and Herzegovina were wisely selected by bosnian people. Like you to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina without problems, then you will be able to speak a little Bosnian.
The first words and Bosnian phrases will help to communicate and at the end of the page, we will also teach you some love words and Bosnian phrases.
To speak the language fluently is a beautiful activity, at least make an attempt to say a few words to get accustomed to this language.
You will see that little by little and with a little effort, you will say some Bosnian phrases.
Try to also to take a course in Bosnian for foreigners while visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Then also we give pretty love words and Bosnian phrases to further enrich your Bosnian vocabulary and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Bosnia and Herzegovina when you travel there.

Also, you will be ready and prepared to chat though Messenger with a girl from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girl’s romantic Bosnian phrases and love words.
With no doubt, you will surprise the girls from Bosnia and Herzegovina using these Bosnian phrases and words of love.
Just to speak personally in Bosnian with a girl from Bosnia and Herzegovina will impress her with your general culture and conversation skills in her own language.
Useful and common words and phrases in Bosnian to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Hello/ Good morning – Dobar dan (DOH-bahr dahn)
Hi (informal) – Zdravo. (ZDRAH-voh) or Merhaba (MEHR-hah bah)
How are you? – Kako ste? (formal), (KAH-koh steh) Kako si? (informal) (KAH-koh see)
Fine. Thanks – Dobro sam, hvala. (DOH-broh sahm, HVAH-lah)
What is your name? – Kako se zovete? (formal) (KAH-koh seh ZOH-veh-teh)
My name is ______ . – Zovem se ______ . (ZOH-vehm seh____.)
I am _____. – Ja sam ______. (yah sahm)
Nice to meet you – Drago mi je. (DRAH-goh mee yeh)
Please – Molim. (MOH-leem)
Thanks – Hvala. (HVAH-lah)
Thank you – Hvala lijepo (HVAH-lah LEE-yeh-poh)
Welcome – Nema na čemu. (NEH-mah nah CHEH-moo)
Yes (formal) – Da (dah)
Yes (informal) – Ja (yah)
No – Ne (neh)
Excuse me – Oprostite. (oh-prohs-TEE-teh)
I am sorry – Izvinite. (EEZ-vee-nee-teh)
I am so sorry – Oprostite. (oh-prohs-TEE-teh)
I really sorry – Žao mi je. (zhao mee yeh)
Good bye – Alahimanet or Zbogom.
Bye bye (informal) – do viđenja (doh vee-jeh-nyah) or ćao (chaoo) or Zdravo. (ZDRAH-voh
I don’t speak Bosnian [well]. – Ne govorim dobro bosanski. (neh goh-VOH-reem DOH-broh boh SAHN-skee)
Do you speak English? – Da li govorite engleski? (dah lee goh-VOH-ree-teh ehn-GLEHS-kee)
Does anybody speak English? – Da li iko ovdje govori engleski? (dah lee EE-koh ohvd-yeh GOH-voh-ree ehn-GLEES-kee)
Help! – Upomoć! (OOPOH-mohtch)
Be carefull – Pazite! (PAH-zee-teh)
Good morning – Dobro jutro. (DOH-broh YOO-troh)
Good night – Dobro većer. (DOH-broh VEH-chehr)
Good evening – Laku noć. (LAH-koo nohtch)
See you tomorrow – Laku noć. (LAH-koo nohtch)
I don’t undertand – Ne razumijem. (neh RAH-zoo-mee-yehn)
Where are the bathrooms – Gdje je WC? (gdyeh yeh WC?)
Romantic and love words and Bosnian phrases
- Love – Ljubav
- Beautiful – Lijepa
- Sweetheart – Ljepotica
- Darling – Ljubavi moja
- Gorgeous – Predivna
- Angel – Anđeo
- Heart – Srce
- Kiss – Poljubac
- Forever – Zauvijek
- Passion – Strast
- My love – Moja ljubavi
- You are my everything – Ti si moje sve
- I adore you – Obožavam te
- I can’t live without you – Ne mogu živjeti bez tebe
- You make me happy – Ti me činiš srećnim
- You are the most beautiful girl in the world – Ti si najljepša djevojka na svijetu
- You are the love of my life – Ti si ljubav mog života
- I want to spend my life with you – Želim provesti život s tobom
- You complete me – Ti me upotpunjuješ
- I am crazy about you – Lud sam za tobom
Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.
As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners.
Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship.
Romantic Words and Bosnian Love Phrases
English Phrase | Bosnian Translation |
I love you | Volim te |
You are my everything | Ti si moje sve |
My heart belongs to you | Moje srce pripada tebi |
Forever and always | Zauvijek i uvijek |
You mean the world to me | Ti mi značiš sve |
I can’t live without you | Ne mogu živjeti bez tebe |
You are my soulmate | Ti si moja srodna duša |
I am yours, and you are mine | Ja sam tvoj, a ti si moja |
You are the love of my life | Ti si ljubav mog života |
My love for you is endless | Moja ljubav prema tebi je beskonačna |
You are my sunshine | Ti si moje sunce |
I am so lucky to have you | Tako sam sretan što te imam |
You make my heart skip a beat | Tvoje prisustvo mi ubrzava srce |
I want to grow old with you | Želim ostarjeti s tobom |
You complete me | Ti me upotpunjuješ |
Making an effort to learn a few basic Bosnian phrases can go a long way in impressing her and showing that you are interested in her culture. Even simple greetings or compliments in Bosnian can make a positive impression.
Bosnian culture places importance on respect, particularly towards women. Treat her with kindness, courtesy, and respect at all times. Avoid offensive or disrespectful language or behavior when you talk with a bosnian girl.
Tags for phrases in Bosnian: Best Bosnian phrases and words for travelling in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Love words and love Bosnian phrases to meet girls in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnian phrases and words of love for girls of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnian courses for foreigners. Study Bosnian in Bosnia and Herzegovina. What language is spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina? In Bosnia and Herzegovina the official language is the Bosnian language. If you are interested in Romanian Phrases and Words visit this page on our website. The Bosnian language is a beautiful language to learn. Bosnian terms of endearment. And more phrases soon. Travel. Trips. Tours. Learn some words to speak in your next travel or meeting with a bosnian women. Learn how to tell hello, hi, sorry, good day, love, girl and more bosnian words.
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