Once known for tragic reasons, Bosnia and Herzegovina now are present in the plans of the trip of many people who starts realizing of what Bosnia and Herzegovina have to offer: In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are thousand-year-old cultures, landscapes of mountain, the access outdoors and a sense of adventure.
This more oriental point of West and the most western point of East takes the stamp of two big empires. Five hundred years of domination,first for the Turks and, later brief for the Empire Austro-Hungarian, inexorably they have influenced the culture and the architecture of this land of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In Sarajevo, minarets, domes with the shape of onion and belfries compete for the sky in a city where the Muslims, Jewish, Orthodox Christians and the Catholics were living in harmony.
Bascarsija is a seductive city of Bosnia and Herzegovina that has a jumble of paved alleys that includes centuries of activity.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Overview:
Here workshops of ancient trades and offices are mixed with coffees shops, shops of souvenirs and fashionable bars. Also, there is much to attract the visitors out of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For example, the former bridge of Mostar has been reconstructed and young men of Bosnia and Herzegovina now throw from the bridge heights to entertain the tourists. It is a pleasure to think Jajce’s small city that it has a medieval citadel and the waterfall.
Another fantastic city of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Medjugorje that attracts to thousands of tourists to the place where there was an appearance of the Virgin Mary.
The sports of adventure in Bosnia and Herzegovina are magnificent. The principal rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are transported in raft and kayak and the mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina are skied, and climbed.
All the cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina that offer the possibility of realizing sports of adventure are very safe and are considered to be a centre of adventure all the year round in Eastern Europe.
Tags: Bosnia and Herzegovina introduction. Bosnia and Herzegovina Overview. Bosnia and Herzegovina general information. Bosnia and Herzegovina travel information. Bosnia and Herzegovina and its cities. Bosnia and Herzegovina in Europe. Balkans countries. Useful information for travellers. Places to visit. Phrases and words. Why do you need to travel and know more places? We can help you with it.